GhazzyTV's Physical Golem Necromancer PoB, Passive Skill Tree & Gem Links



Important PoB Notes

All my guides use Path of Building. We have a simple guide for you that shows how to import my build into Path of Building, you can find the guide here

End Game PoB & Passive Skill Tree

This build is extremely straightforward tree-wise. However, when you start to upgrade the build towards the medium version we are then looking for both cluster jewels as well as a lot of Primordial Jewels which generally become affordable after about a week into a league. Earlier than that, they are somewhat expensive.

Here is the low budget PoB:

Both medium & high budget PoB can be found here:

Once the skill tree is finished, focus entirely on adding more jewel sockets.

Leveling Progression

Depending on if you’re playing Hardcore or Softcore, you will have to adjust your route depending on the quality of gear you’re able to obtain. For example, if you have lots of Life and Resistance from drops you get during the Acts, you can focus on taking damage-providing nodes over the defensive ones and vice versa. The links below are trees that should fit in almost any situation no matter the drop RNG.


A lot of the masteries available come down to a matter of personal preference but some are more or less mandatory.

Live Mastery: “+50 to maximum life.” The strongest life mastery notable and should be picked up as soon as possible
Live Mastery: “10% Increased maximum life” & “10% reduced life recovery rate” Provides extra health for us.
Minion Defence Mastery: “Minions have +8% to all maximum elemental resistances.” This provides a crazy amount of survivability for all your minions, most importantly your spectres.
Minion Offence Mastery: “Minions attacks overwhelm 20% of physical damage reduction.” Despite the name, this node is quite underwhelming. It provides a rough 2-3% more damage which can help when you roll against maps that have increased physical damage mitigation as this will allow you to penetrate that defense.
Reservation Mastery: “Auras from your skills have 10% increased effect on you” Helps ramp up the efficiency of our defensive auras.
Minion Offence Mastery: “20% increased effect of offerings.” This big boy damage node should be the first offense mastery we pick up for the build.
Armor Mastery: “Determination has 25% increased mana reservation efficiency.” The final node required to enable the full aura setup for the build.
Shield Mastery: “+1% chance to block attack damage per 5% chance to block on equipped shield” This makes it easier to reach the block caps.

Leveling Gems & Links

You can level with your Carrion Golems once you obtain 2x Clayshaper Clayshaper, which requires level 41. Before then, or if the Clayshapers turn out to be too expensive it is recommended to level with Absolution Absolution which will work all the way into maps. Once at maps you can equip the shield/1h combo with either Clayshaper or the Cold Iron Point and start using your Golems as planned.

For more detailed leveling advice, I recommend checking out the leveling section in the passive skill-tree page.

You’ll start of with utilizing Freezing Pulse Freezing Pulse and Stormblast Mine Stormblast Mine as well as Frost Bomb Frost Bomb until you reach level 12. You can also assist your damage output throughout Act 1 with the help of Holy Flame Totem Holy Flame Totem linked with Summon Phantasm Support Summon Phantasm Support. After level 12 you’ll want to run:

  1. Absolution Absolution
  2. Minion Damage Support Minion Damage Support
  3. Added Cold Damage Support Added Cold Damage Support or Added Lightning Damage Support Added Lightning Damage Support

Later you’ll be able to slot in Physical to Lightning Support Physical to Lightning Support with a 4-Link by purchasing the gem from Siosa (Library – Act 3 quest), in Act 4 you’ll be replacing the Added Cold or Lightning support for Spell Echo Support Spell Echo Support.

Amulet Anointment

There are so many options to run here, but for the low budget version I would strongly suggest getting Juggernaut as it provides both armor & health, this will cost: 1x Amber Oil Amber Oil, 1x Teal Oil Teal Oil & 1x Opalescent Oil Opalescent Oil.

End Game Gem Links

6-Link Carrion Golem

Generic pure physical damage setup for the Carrion Golems:

  1. Summon Carrion Golem Summon Carrion Golem
  2. Minion Damage Support Minion Damage Support
  3. Multistrike Support Multistrike Support (Switch this for Melee Splash Support Melee Splash Support when clearing maps)
  4. Ruthless Support Ruthless Support
  5. Brutality Support Brutality Support
  6. Predator Support Predator Support (Switch for Minion Speed Support Minion Speed Support if you want to enhance your clear-speed further)

3-Link AG & Raise Zombie

These minions are here to buff your damage output the best way possible & provide meat shields. The Animate Guardian is a bit tricky and I would strongly recommend watching the initial video for this build guide as well as this in-depth guide for the AG:

  1. Animate Guardian Animate Guardian
  2. Raise Zombie Raise Zombie
  3. Meat Shield Support Meat Shield Support

3-Link Auras

Simple aura setup:

  1. Pride Pride
  2. Defiance Banner Defiance Banner
  3. Tempest Shield Tempest Shield

4-Link Utility Minions

This is where we put our Stone Golem to apply Maim and Feeding Frenzy together with our shield charge:

  1. Summon Stone Golem Summon Stone Golem
  2. Shield Charge Shield Charge
  3. Feeding Frenzy Support Feeding Frenzy Support
  4. Maim Support Maim Support

4-Link Auras & Utility

Remaining auras and throwing in some utility sockets in here:

  1. Flame Dash Flame Dash
  2. Determination Determination
  3. Vulnerability Vulnerability
  4. Convocation Convocation

4-Link Utility Minions

Spectres & our desecrate & bone offering goes in here.

  1. Bone Offering Bone Offering
  2. Raise Spectre Raise Spectre
  3. Spell Echo Support Spell Echo Support
  4. Desecrate Desecrate

The spectres we’ll be using for this build can be a bit tricky to find for the new(er) players, you can come to the global channel I made in-game by typing “/global 6666” and ask for them there if needed! First priority of spectre to pick up as we’ll only be running 3 is the Arena Master which will both make our minions deal & take 20% increased damage as well as give them 20% increased attack speed for 4sec with a ~8sec cooldown, they can be found in Drox influenced maps. The second spectre we’ll be using comes from the Scourge/Beyond encounters and is a Demon Harpy these bad boys casts a spell that makes enemies take up to 50% increased physical damage, this can be combined with Spell Echo and is the main reason for that support gem in the set-up. Last spectre we’ll add to the army is also from the Scourge/Beyond encounters and is named Pale Seraphim they apply a debuff on enemies making them take 15% increased damage. The combination of these 3 significantly increase your damage capabilities.

Main Page / TL;DR


  • 3.20 The Forbidden Sanctum Changelog .2* Changed gem lay-out to reflect the PoB accurately

  • Minor QoL changes to the guide:* Changed 1 passive node in the levelling tree.* Changed Faster Casting for Shield Charge for a smoother clearing experience* Clarified some decisions for the build in the guide* Clarified Clayshaper vs Cold Iron Point* Clarified minion accuracy* Clarified minion defenses (mostly about resistances and how to cap them)* Added an "Important Notes" section for most of the listed changes* Added a section suggesting utilizing both zombies & golems in a 6-Link replacing Predator till you get Anima Stone and Primordial Might

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